Monday, July 24, 2006

Daniel in the Lions Den - VBS - Day 1

Grapevine Church of Christ VBS - Daniel in the Lions Den

Day One (more to come)



Kimberlie Reese Denham said...

this is really cool Hollee, how did you post a video?

Kimberlie Reese Denham said...

thanks for the info, I got the video posted..........check it out!

Lindsay said...

Hey Hollee! Happy Birthday : ) I saw on Laurie's blog that it was your birthday this week so I wanted to say hello. Hope things are going well for you in Texas!

Lindsay (Sloss) Culbreath

Anonymous said...

Hollee, I'm really disappointed that you guys would accept such a VBS. It was like I was watching a drama lesson from a denomination like a Baptist VBS. That just violate many Scriptures. If you wish to talk about this I would be happy to. I love you, Ans