Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I've gone paperless

My New's Year Day started by attempting to file a year's worth of household paperwork (that is right...I haven't filed anything since pre-2006). About halfway through I realized that most statements and bills were unopened. Although in most cases that would lead to visits from the collector or life without water and electricity...in our case I just pay online.

So after a few hours of sorting through the bills...I realized...most of what I need...I get online....I never open a file cabinet for a past statment of bill. So New Year's Resolution #1...go paperless. So no more filing or paper bills for me. YAHOO!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Brad and I do everything online and sort things of importance on the computer... even photo albums. I never would have done this on my own, but he convinced me, and we love it. You'll love having clean closets that aren't overflowing with paper and pictures. :)